
Showing posts from June, 2018

কাজিৰঙা বৰ ধুনীয়া, একোৰে নাই তুলনা

Kaziranga ( কাজিৰঙা) National Park is a World Heritage Site in Golaghat and Nagaon District of Assam. This place is famous for hosting a huge number of wildlife animals and birds but its mostly famous for The Great One Horned Rhinocerose. About two third of the worlds One Horned Rhinos lives in Kaziranga. According to some reports by Forest Department population of this rhinos are about 2400 in 2018.    Tigers are also found here in huge numbers along with large populations of elephants, wild water buffalo, and swamp deer. BirdLife International for conservation of avifaunal species declared it as an Important Bird Area. We should be proud that when it is compared with other national parks of India and even internationaly it has remarkably achieved great success in conserving the wildlife. In 1905 when Mary Curzon, Baroness Curzon of Kedleston, the wife of the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon of Kedleston came here to see the one horned rhino and but couldn't spot even a singl

The peacock island umananda

Yesterday I wrote about Majuli (মাজুলী) the largest river Island in the world in the river Brahmaputra. Today I shall write about the smallest river island in the world i.e Umananda (উমানন্দ) which is interestingly also in the river Brahmaputra in the City of Guwahati,Assam. It also have its own significance and known for many things.     Uma (উমা) in Assamese is another name of Goddess Parvati who happen to be the beloved wife of Lord Shiva. And Ananda (আনন্দ) means Happiness which together makes it Umananda. The British named it The Peacock Island by looking at the shape of the island when looked from a distance.    As suggested by the Hindu Mythology it is believed that Shiva created the island for his wife Parvati's Happiness. When Shiva was in a deep meditation here he was interrupted by Kamadeva and Shiva out of anger burnt him with his third eye.    In 1694,Gargaya Handique Phukan(গৰগয়া সন্দিকৈ ফুকন) the Minister of then Ahom (আহোম) king Supaatphaa was ordered to b

Majuli-The Largest River island in the world

The world's biggest river island is Majuli(মাজুলী) situated in River Brahmaputra (ব্ৰক্ষ্মপুত্ৰ) in Assam. In the early 20th century the island 880 square kilometers in area, but due to continues soil erosion the island shrunk to 350 square kilometers upto present date. It is one of the most must visit tourists site of North Eastern part of India. Tourists both domestic and foreign come in a large number every year to visit this beautiful island in the heart of Brahmaputra. It has a population of about 1 Lakheswar 68 thousand which comprises of ethnic groups like Mishing,Ahom,Chutia,Deori, Kabita,Kacharis,Brahmins and many more. Moshing language is spoken most here.    The only way to reach Majuli is by Ferries and Boats as the bridges are not built till now to connect it from the mainland. The closest way to reach majuli is from Jorhat City.   It was the capital of the powerful capital of Chutia Kingdom. It was then a long piece of land with Brahmaputra flowing in the no

Kalaguru Bishnu Prashad Rabha-The Son Assam will never forget

On 31st January 1909 when India was under the British rule one man was born in Dhaka,Bangladesh(Then in India). He was the Legend who contributed so much to the assamese (অসমীয়া) literature that it will take me weeks to write about it. That man is Kalaguru Bishnu prashad Rabha(কলাগুৰু বিষ্ণু প্ৰসাদ ৰাভা) Swarder bahadur gopal chandra mushahari was his father. Kalaguru(কলাগুৰু)means The Guru of Art which he truly is. He was an artists known for his poems and Songs which are now known as Rabha Sangeet(Rabha's Songs) in Assam. He did his schooling in Tezpur Government High School and after that went to Calcutta(Now kolkata) for further education. After completing his ISC exam from St. Paul's Cathedral Mission College and later joined the Ripon College and got his BSC degree from there. He had done wonders multiple fields of literature and arts. He was actor,painter,dancer,musiccomposer,poet,dramatist,writer,singer, surprisingly he mattered in every field he step foot o

The Festival of Bleeding

One of the most visited Hindu festival is Ambubachi Mela(অম্বুবাচী মেলা) of Kamakhya (কামাখ্যা)Temple. Lakhs of devotees from around the globe visits these three day festival held in the month of June Every year. Another annual celebration are Manasha Puja(মনসা পূজা) and Durga Puja(দুৰ্গা পূজা) in Kamakhya.   Another name of Mother Kamakhya is The Bleeding Goddess as the story suggests that the womb and the vagina of Sati are installed in the Sanctrum of the temple. In the Ashaad(June) Mother Kamakhya menstruates, for which the Doors of the temple remain close for three days. Interestingly at this time of the year the water of river Brahmaputra(ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ) near the temple turns red during these days. Devotees believes that it is because of the blood the Kamakhya bleeds. The whole state of Assam specially Guwahati City's scenario completely changes during this days as the roads of the City,Buses,Trains are flooded with devotees from everywhere. Other regions are also effe

Kamakhya- The mighty goddess

 As the Ambubachi Mela(অম্বুবাচী মেলা) is approaching I am thinking of writing about the The Kamakhya Temple and About Goddess Kamakhya today. It is one of the oldest Hindu temple dedicated to Mother Goddess Kamakhya,which is situated in the Nilachal Pahar(Hill) of Western Guwahati City of Assam.  It has a main temple and a number of individual temples dedicated to ten Mahavidyas namely - Kali, Tara, Sodashi, Bhuvaneshwari, Bhairavi, Chhinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Kamalatmika. It is one of the important pilgrimage destination for Hindus both nationality and internationaly specially for the Sadhus who sacrifices thier whole life in the name of God for Salvation. The story about of its origin has many interesting theories claimed by many rulers of these part of India which goes hundreds of years back. But one of my personal favorite is once Lord Shiva's(শিৱ) wife Sati(সতী) had an argument with him to attend her father's Yagna(A ritual sacrifice with a

মেজিৰ তলৰ ধেমালি

Hello    We learned about Uruka (উৰুকা)  the night before Magh Bihu or Bhogali Bihu last time. Today its time for Magh Bihu and its whole month celebration rituals. With the Sunrise of the Magh Bihu day everyone including the people who spent the night in bonfire of Uruka,takes bath early and wear fresh clothes for a whole day celebration. The females then clean the area around the Mejis and Bhelas by wiping it with soil and Lit Earthen Lamps to workship the Gods for everyones goodwill. After that the people of all ages,males and females,boys and girls gather around the Mejis and Bhelas and start the centuries old tradition of burning the Bhelas and Mejis. This is usually done by young people while the rest of the crowd enjoys the view and pray to the almighty by throwing Til and Mah (seseme and urad bean)  on the burning Huts and a mantra is recited which is- Om mahajwalay Vidmahe Agni Madhay Dhimahi,  Tanno Agnih Prachodayat (om let me  meditate on the great flame, oh fire grant

ভোগালীৰ ভোগ

Hello everyone    I hope you enjoyed my last blogs about Bohag Bihu (বহাগ বিহু) and Kati Bihu (কাতি বিহু). I am new at this so excuse the little things i did wrong if there's any. If you see anything wrong you can tell me at the comment section below anytime you want.     Today I am gonna write about the last and one of the most important Bihu i.e Magh Bihu (মাঘ বিহু) or Bhogali Bihu (ভোগালী বিহু). It starts in the month of January but the preparations took place weeks before it even starts. As Kati Bihu is the festival which takes place in that part of the year where there is scarcity of harvest and vegetation. Likewise Magh bihu or Bhogali is celebrated as a thanks for Good harvest to Mother Nature and Gods that the people of assam workships. It is celebrated Both in Upper and Lower Assam and it is basically about the Food. Thats why its called Bhogali Bihu,Bhog (ভোগ)means Meal Weeks before it starts the Boys and Men starts Building Bhela Ghor (ভেলা ঘৰ) and Mejis (মেজি

তুলসীৰ তলে তলে মৃগ পহু চৰে

Hello again,,,,     I shared a little about Bohag bihu in my last blog. So today i will be writing Kongali Bihu (কঙালী বিহু)or Kati Bihu which is held in the month of aahin{(আহিন) (October)} Kongali Bihu is the festival which reflects a season of short supplies and scarcity in paddy fields and vegetation,it is an animistic festival. Sakis(Lambs made of soil) are placed under tulsi plant(basil) at homes of people and in the paddy fields as prayer for good harvest and end of scarcity.  People also light up akashbanti (আকাশবন্তি)or lambs placed at the top of tall bamboo poles,it is a practice with the believes of showing the souls of our dead ancestors way to the heaven. In the evening people serve Larus and Pithas,a traditional assamese snacks. In this way the Kongali Bihu ends.

Bohag Bihur Husori (assamese-বহাগ বিহুৰ হুঁচৰি)

Hello....     I wrote about Goru Bihu (গৰু বিহু) yesterday and today I will be writing about Manuh Bihu (মানুহ বিহু) which is the first day of Bohag (ব'হাগ) month or new year year of Assamese folks. This is also the new year for various parts of the country such as Punjab,West Bengal,Kerela etc which they celebrate in thier own way. In Assam this day starts with everyone getting up early and taking bath with Mah-Haladhi (মাহ-হালধি) which is a paste of Urad Bean and Turmeric. In some places people also use raw mango paste. People after the special maah halodhi bath, put on new clothes and light chaki at Gohai Ghor or Naam Ghor(the household prayer place). It is a tradition of seeking blessings from the elders by bowing and touching their feet in a family and presenting the Bihuwan or the Gamusa (গামোছা) cloth, as a gift, to be worn as a symbol of cultural pride. A 'Gamusa' is an indispensable part of Assamese life and culture with its distinctive symbolic significance. The

Every cows has his day.

Hello again,    I will be writing today about the first day the most important of the three bihus i.e Rongali bihu (ৰঙালী বিহু). It is the spring festival which is also the New year in Assamese calendar. Rangali bihu is all about Music, Dance and Feast which is celebrated all across the State of Assam. It lasts for a month but the first seven days are most important. The farmers prepare the fields for cultivation of paddy and there is a feeling of joy around. The women make pitha(পিঠা), larus (লাৰু) (traditional food made of rice and coconut) and Jolpan (জলপান) which gives the real essence of the season.   So lets talk about the first day of Rangali Bihu or Bohag Bihu. It is dedicated to the cattles of our farmers and is called Goru Bihu (গৰু বিহু) or Cow Bihu. All the cattle animals such as Cows, Buffaloes and Goats were taken to the river or ponds to wash them up and later workship them. There is a saying in Assamese for this day -                                            লাওঁ

Introduction to bihu(assamese-বিহু)

Hello Again,   As i have written yesterday,I will be giving you a peek about Assam and its culture. So I will start with Assam's State Festival Bihu which is about Spreading Joy and Happiness with our near and dear ones. And its the time when we all get a chance to forget about our busy and tiresome life and connect with nature and its contents. There are three Bihus which are celebrated in three different seasons of the year. As it is a land of various cultures and castes its celebrated in a whole different way in different parts of the state. I will start from the Rangali Bihu or Bohag Bihu in my next blog. Thank you

My first post (মোৰ প্ৰথম পোষ্ট)

So lets start,,,,, Here i am from assam.. And this is my first post as a blogger.. I m a khati axomiya girl (assamese girl). And i am very proud of my motherland, i am starting this blog as a way to show othera about its history and vast culture. Starting from bihu i will try to cover all the importance festival, dates,  legends, histrocal monuments and place's. It is not a wikipedia or and information page. I am doing it as a hobby and to learn and share about assam. Joi ai axom জয় আই অসম Thanks